About Us

Appropriate Technology Golden Bay is run by Peter Bromley, who left a career in computer software development to pursue a dream lifestyle in Golden Bay. The business is born from a belief in resilient and sustainable communities, and from the knowledge and experience gained in the past few years.

In Peter’s words – “My partner and I live on a 1ha lifestyle block we are turning into a beautiful and productive food forest using permaculture principles. In developing our land, we have designed for resilience and sustainability as we built. We have learnt so much about water management and other simple technologies along the way that we want to share and use this knowledge to support others. It’s exciting to have got to this point, and it’s a lot of fun continuing to develop expertise with other relevant technologies.”

“Planning for inevitable major disasters has been part of that process for us. There have been 5 significant weather events since we moved to Golden Bay, and attending the AF8 earthquake roadshow was a real wake-up call for us. The resilience assessment we designed for our own use now forms the core of our disaster assessment offering. It’s wonderful to be able to help create a community of people who are prepared for whatever the world throws their way.”

“Part of living sustainably is choosing technologies that are efficient and have a low total impact on the earth. Battery powered power tools are used widely and quality tools will last for a long time. But the technology is dependent on the charge of individual cells remaining in alignment. Being a natural tinkerer and DIY-er, I’ve learned as much as I can about these batteries, and brought a number of battery packs back to life and good health.”