Water Management

Increasingly, people are looking to grow their own food, and live a life in closer contact with nature. Lifestyle blocks, small farms, and tiny homes are part of a revolution in how we use natural resources – soil, water, sunlight, and wind – to live more simply and reduce our impact. We can help you set up systems that use these resources more sustainably and create resilience. Effective water harvesting, storage and delivery is key to surviving dry summers and drought.

We will consult with you to understand your needs and what options could work for you, prepare a detailed proposal for a resilient water management system, and can even install.

We also offer advice on simple grey water systems, composting toilets, small-scale solar power systems, and wind and water power generation.

Our Services

  • Small property (< 2 ha)
    • Initial consultation – $50 (refunded if you purchase a water management plan)
    • Prepare water management plan – $400 (includes follow-up visit to discuss plan in detail)
  • Large property (between 2 and 8 ha)
    • Initial consultation – $100 (refunded if you purchase a water management plan)
    • Prepare water management plan – $1000 (includes follow-up visit to discuss plan in detail)
  • Implementation support – by negotiation ($50 / hour plus materials)
  • Other systems (grey water, etc) – by negotiation (contact us for more info)
  • Finders fee – 20% discount for referral (referred customer purchasing a water management plan – time limits apply)
  • Introductory offer – 30% discount to April 30th, 2023

Contact us now to book your initial consultation.